A Simple Home Maintenance Checklist: Keep Your Home in Top Shape

According to a recent survey from American home services website Thumbtack.com, homeowners spent $6,548 on maintenance and repairs on average in 2023. Most of this money was used for maintenance and repairs of their home’s appliances, HVAC system, roof, water heater, and foundation.

In another study by insurance company Hippo, which included roughly 1,000 homeowners, 65% of respondents stated they may have avoided or significantly reduced the cost of their home repairs with preventative maintenance.

home maintenance checklist

That’s why we decided to write this blog post, which will provide you with a checklist of regular house maintenance tasks to complete! In addition to keeping your house looking fantastic for years, the home care checklist will also help maintain the value of your property and save on expensive emergency repairs.

Which Home Upkeep Tasks Are the Most Important?

If you want to keep your house secure and in excellent condition, you should do the following home maintenance chores routinely.

  • Test Smoke Alarms

Damages caused by a home fire can exceed thousands of dollars if the property doesn’t burn down.

Even worse, it can result in your or your loved ones’ deaths since, according to the National Fire Protection Association, 3 out of 5 home fire fatalities happen in homes without smoke alarms or where the alarms failed.

The above makes installing and maintaining a functional smoke alarm system one of your most important property maintenance duties.

In less than 10 minutes, you can verify that your home’s smoke alarms are working properly by pressing and holding the test button on the devices, simulating the effects of heat and smoke. Once you press the button, the smoke detector should produce a deafening siren. If the sound is faint or nonexistent, change the batteries, or if your smoke alarms are hardwired, have an electrician inspect the wiring.

Regardless of the test result, we recommend you replace the batteries if it has been more than six months since you last did, and test the new ones to guarantee optimal performance of your smoke alarm.

Cobwebs, dust, debris, etc., impede alarms’ ability to detect smoke. So, we also advise gently cleaning your smoke alarm once a month.

Most fire alarms lose their effectiveness after ten years. To ensure you’re ready to replace your smoke alarms when the time comes, regularly check the label on the device that indicates when they’re due for change.

Additionally, take some time to look for wear on electrical cords in your home while checking the smoke detectors. Cords become a fire hazard if their rubber coating cracks or is worn out.

  • Clean Out Gutters

Gutters facilitate the effective drainage of snowmelt and rainwater from your home’s roof.

If not well maintained, they can clog with sticks, leaves, and other trash, allowing water to seep beneath roofing materials and into the house foundation.

This can lead to all sorts of water damage issues for you, including a leaky roof, bent gutters from the additional weight they’re supporting, and foundation cracks that weaken your property’s walls.

Damage caused by neglect usually is not covered by homeowners insurance.

That means if you fail to clean your gutters and your home gets water damage as a result, your insurer will probably view this as negligence, and you’ll probably have to pay for the repairs yourself.

So, don’t put off doing home gutter maintenance because you could end up paying a high price for avoidable repairs.

We advise cleaning your gutters at least twice a year, especially in the spring and late fall, to keep them free of waste all year long. Perform this home maintenance task more frequently after major storms or if plenty of trees hang above your home’s roof.

  • Check Your HVAC System

If your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system starts to malfunction, you’ll, on average, pay around $350 for repair costs and $7,500 if you have to replace it.

The hefty repair or replacement expense should spur you to action if you’re not already doing routine maintenance on your HVAC unit.

Depending on the quality of the filter and other criteria like whether you have pets or allergies, HVAC technicians recommend changing your air filters every one to three months. If the warranty on your HVAC system permits it, you can perform this home maintenance task as a DIY.

Changing your filters frequently will improve the efficiency of your HVAC system, reducing wear and tear on it and lowering your energy costs.

Additionally, have your HVAC system serviced by a professional at least once a year. Among other things, they’ll make sure the ducts and vents are clear of obstructions and in good condition during service. They’ll also check the thermostat to make sure it functions.

A well-cared-for HVAC system has a lifespan of about 15–35 years.

Without going into much detail, here are a few more duties you ought to include in your home maintenance checklist.

  • Assess your roof for damage at least once a year. Look for issues like leaks, sagging that is often a sign of broken rafters, and cracked or missing shingles. If you discover broken shingles, it may be time to get your roof replaced. The most common type of roofs, asphalt shingle roofs, last 15 to 30 years.
  • Clean the garbage disposal weekly to keep your appliance odor-free, clear of build-up, and operational for years to come.
  • Schedule a thorough plumbing evaluation every two years to check for leaks or damage inside pipes and drains. Always be on the lookout for leaks around toilets and under sinks, and check water pipes before the biennial examination. When leaks are found and fixed quickly, water is conserved, and damage is avoided.
  • Regularly mow the lawn, trim bushes, and collect rubbish around your yard to prevent pests and rodents. If you notice bugs, rats, termites, or other home-damaging intruders where they shouldn’t be, quickly contact an exterminator.

Also, prune trees away from your house to protect against damage during storms and ensure proper growth.

Quickly Sell Your Pittsburgh Home As-Is Now!

Do you want to sell your home quickly and without having to deal with the stress of doing expensive fixes because it isn’t well-maintained? HomeBuyers of Pittsburgh is here to make that happen!

As the #1 professional home buyer in Pittsburgh, we know how difficult it can be to maintain and repair a house, which is why we buy houses in any condition for cash.

And the best part? HomeBuyers of Pittsburgh can present you with a competitive cash offer after a brief 20–30 minute home consultation to determine what repairs or upgrades will optimize your home’s value and close the sale in less than 21 days if you accept our offer.

To find out more about how we may help you avoid costly repairs, endless home showings, paying real estate agent commissions, closing costs, and other stressful processes associated with selling your home the traditional way, call us at 412-444-8914 or send an email to info [@] urbanpgh.com.