How We Offer Quick, Easy & Fair Alternative To Home Sellers

HomeBuyers of Pittsburgh is no stranger to working with homeowners in need of a quick, easy sell; whether that’s due to financial situations, assisted-living transitions, inheriting un-wanted properties, or dealing with homes in disrepair. What the team has found over the years is that all of these homeowners have something in common; they’re looking for a quick solution and a fair price for their home.

Ryan Scialabba, HomeBuyers of Pittsburgh manager and licensed real estate agent, said a seller recently called the company because they inherited a house and couldn’t keep up with it. “They called us and, like most, had questions about who we were, what we do, and how much we can pay for their house,” said Mr. Scialabba. “Their biggest request was a fast, easy process, and to take the house in its current condition, but they had some reservations about going this route, since it was new to them”.

For HomeBuyers of Pittsburgh that process always begins with an initial phone call, during which the team learns basic information about the house and the situation to determine if they could be a good fit for each other. The second step includes an in-person evaluation of the property, during which they identify any repairs or updates that need to be made for it to reach its top value. They look at big items like the roof, windows, furnace, electrical, and foundation; and cosmetic items like the kitchen, baths, flooring, and paint. With their years of experience in construction, there isn’t any type of repair or clutter the team can’t handle.

“When we visit the house, our number one goal is to figure the highest price we can pay and the best solution for the seller. Sometimes it’s not just about the money, it’s about helping them with moving expenses, helping clean out the house, or closing on their timeline that makes all the difference,” said Mr. Scialabba. “But rest assured the one thing we don’t do is low-ball people. It’s all about making win-win situations for everyone involved.”

That commitment to each client and a willingness to help navigate very difficult situations, is what has set the HomeBuyers of Pittsburgh team apart from the competition. For this North Hills family, their first thought was to go the traditional route of hiring a realtor to list their house for sale. While interviewing agents they were told that they would need to make repairs to the house before it could be sold but they didn’t have the money to do so. When the stress began setting in, they explored multiple investment companies but none of them returned their calls. They then called the Homebuyers of Pittsburgh team extremely skeptical about the whole process.

“When they told us how many people they called before us, first of all I was shocked, but I was also glad that they kept calling around and that we were the ones who could provide a great experience from the initial call through the closing of the house,” said Mr. Scialabba.

Ultimately, the HomeBuyers of Pittsburgh team was able to make them a fair cash offer and close on their house in only 20 days. After the sale, the couple said they had “initial concerns about leaving money on the table, and if the sale would go through,” but said the guys “were so up front, honest, and helpful through the process that they would happily recommend them to other sellers.”

“That’s what this is all about for us. We look at every house we buy as an opportunity to leave a seller with an over-the-top customer experience. From the initial call, to the fair offer, and through the closing we work tirelessly to make the process of selling a home much easier than anyone ever expects.” – Ryan Scialabba

For more information about the HomeBuyers of Pittsburgh team call 412-444-8914 or email info [at]